Our company offers research engineering services in data analysis and modeling for health


Extract, describe and analyze useful information contained in data
Quantitative methods
Epidemiology, biostatistics, clinical research, observational studies, surveillance
Dynamical models, simulation of scenarios, optimization of interventions, virtual cohorts
Health economics
Cost-effectiveness analyses, static and dynamical models, audit of models
Qualitative methods
Observation, interview, focus group, text mining, mixed methods
Computer programming
R, Shiny, R Markdown, C++, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Open Data Kit (ODK), KoboToolBox, ArcGis et QGIS

Application areas

In Europe and Africa, we can intervene from the discovery phase to public health decision-making
R&D and innovation in health
Identification, characteristics and impact of candidates, R&D orientation
Epidemiology and public health
Disease prevention and control, impact and optimization of interventions
Health human resources
Access to care, organization and management of health systems


Our multidisciplinary team designs and implements projects according to the scientific method, ensuring the valorization of the results
Nicolas Voirin, PhD
CEO and founder
Biostatistics, biomathematics
Mélodie Leconte, PhD
Africa activities director
Management sciences, human resources, marketing, communication
Julien Flaig, PhD
European activities director
Health economics, mathematics
Anne Thomas, PhD
Statistical epidemiologist
Biostatistics, project management
Tchaa A. Bakaï, MD, PhD
Epimod Togo office director
Medicine, epidemiology, public health
Amal C. Dahounto
Epimod Benin office director
Biostatistics, data management

Our offices around the world

We are present in Europe and Africa

Our clients

They entrusted us with their projects in the areas of vaccine, intra-host modeling, biomarkers, screening and data quality

Our partners

They support the development of our company
They are partners in our research projects in the fields of diagnosis, epidemiology and public health